Having e-books is wonderful and easy to access. However, there are many readers who just love to have a book in their hand.
We would like to print some very important books for Sunni Islam, which are a must-have for every Muslim.
The basic creed for every Muslim
In this book, we will emphasize the necessary creed related matters of how does a Muslim actually believe? It’s a book you can use to protect your children from the tsunami of anti-Islamic beliefs? This book explains in an easy way how a Muslim believes and why. You will also get current topics easily explained, such as LGBTQ+, transgender and evolution theory, as well as how we deal with verses of the Quran that talk about the Hands of Allah.
- For young and old, converts
- With Q&A;
- With current topics, such as evolutionary theory, LGBTQ+;
- Extra large print for the elderly and people with dyslexia;
The book is written by a Hanafi Jurist Naeemuddin al-Muradabadi rh. and has been checked and verified by scholars of other school of Law. It has been endorsed by the Islamic University Rotterdam and the committee of Imams of Holland. We would love to make this available in book form for the English public.