Our working method
Explaining how we keep and safeguard Islamic knowledge reliable
Selection of material
We select material based on the model and teaching of Al-Azhar University and first go through it fully with the Shuyukh of Al-Azhar. The material has been in use for centuries, accepted worldwide and above all is Islamically recognized as the correct version of Islam.
Interpretation from scholar to scholar
To translate the correct content, the works are gone through from cover to cover with the Shuyuk. These are then read through and translated by specialists in Ilm al Kalam, Qira-ah and Hadith. In the process, opinions and questions are answered by the Shuyukh of Al-Azhar and Dar al-Ifta and processed by the translators.
Revision and review
Only then will there be revisions by others. You can thus hereby be assured that the works have been written and translated by the cream of their fields and specialists of Al-Azhar. Therefore, the content and interpretation has been passed from heart to heart by Shuyukh and does not rely on self-study.
Team of specialists
We work exclusively with traditionally educated people for this reason. This is presently why translations are not done word for word, but based on the author’s intention and explanation by other scholars. Many times margin notes are placed which follow from the high works for professors which are then made accessible to the people.
Why Al-Azhar
Al-Azhar University is the world’s largest and most specialized centers of knowledge, home to the ancient standards of knowledge and the best specialists in Ilm al-Kalam, Hadith and Qira-ah. Think of al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaniyy, al-imam Djalaluddin al-Suyutiyy, al-imam Dardeer al-Malikiyy, al-imam Badrud-Din Aiyniyy Sh al-Dabba, Sh Mahmoud Khalil al-Hosary, Minshawi and thousands more. It is one of the last places where Islam classes are traditionally taught according to ancient standards. Teachers are exclusively high-level phd´s, professors, Mutakallimien, Mufassirien, Muhaddithin and Sh ul-Quraa’.The level of knowledge and depth of scholars ivan Al-Azhar s unprecedented and highly specialized. This is presently why Azhari´s are proficient in Fiqh, Aqeedah learning and without doubt the best in Qira-ah. The founder of the foundation is himself a delegate of Al-Azhar and has the desire to make the same available for in the Netherlands.