New just released al-Qaidah al-Noorania

The place for you to learn the Quran.

Alhusayn logo with name kids

The little Hafiz and Hafizah

Idris and Aisha memorize the Quran

The Khasais

The Uniqueness of the Prophet  ﷺ

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You can learn about Islam with this...


News and updates

Especially in our time it is important that there is quality literature for young people in their own language. These books are essential in this for the community.
Ustad Zekeriya Budak
Imam Milli Gorus - Mosque Schiedam

Childrens book

Books for your children, so that they grow up as people who love Allah and the Prophet ﷺ.

The Prophet ﷺ  replied: “And I love you all too.” The kids were happy!

The little Hafiz and Hafizah cover
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Projects for the Quran

Print books basic creed of islam

Print books basic creed of Islam

Having e-books is wonderful and easy to access. However, there are many readers who just love to have a book in their hand.We would like to print some very important books for Sunni Islam, which are a must-have for every Muslim. The basic creed for every Muslim In this book,

Help us stay online

Help us stay online

Help us stay online and keep Islamic content available In order to continue offering high-quality and beautiful Quran education, we invest heavily in programs and hiring professionals. With their expertise, we can make Quran lessons enjoyable for students, fostering their love for learning about Islam. Together, we strengthen the Islamic

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We would like to make more lessons and books so that our children learn Islam. Will you help?